Saturday, May 24, 2014

McFarlane Sports Picks - Today's Leader in Sports Figures

Jerome Bettis Sports Pick figure from McFarlane Toys - amazing detail for a 6-inch figure

McFarlane Sports Picks - Today's Leader in Sports Figures

McFarlane also works with many of the top entertainment properties in the industry and has the official rights to all four major North American sports (hockey, baseball, football and basketball). The company's Sports Picks figures (action figures depicting current and former professional athletes) are the most popular and actively collected sports figures on the market today; the database of Sports Picks on this site includes more than 1,400 different figures.

The hallmark of all McFarlane products, and Sports Picks in particular, is detail. Sports Picks are created with remarkable accuracy, including details like logo patches on the uniforms, specific shoes or gloves, tattoos, artwork on masks, etc. Even when scrutinized for small details such as the width of a stripe on a player's sock, Sports Picks are found to be accurate more than 95% of the time - a remarkable level of performance for 6" tall plastic figures that retail for $10.

Most Sports Picks action figures are six inches tall and released in series. McFarlane typically releases two to three regular series of figures of current players per sport per year. Additionally, McFarlane releases one to two series per year per sport of famous former players (these are called Legends or Cooperstown series). Within each of these series are chase and variant figures as well as the regular figures. (For more information about chase and variant figures, read the article What is the Difference Between a Chase and a Variant Action Figure?)

McFarlane also produces series of 3" figures for each sport and has issued some 12" figures. Outside of the normal retail releases, McFarlane creates exclusive figures that are sold only during events like Super Bowls, Hall of Fame Inductions and the NHL Hockey All-Star Game, or that are sold only through their website or their retail store in Arizona. On occasion, McFarlane has produced figures that were given away as promotional items at specific sporting events.

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